Building Up
Welcome to Groundwork’s Monthly newsletter, Building Up. Here we’ll share our perspective about National DSA internal politics and the NPC, as well as highlight efforts Groundwork members are doing across the country and ways that you can get involved in our campaigns!

More Members When?
How we mobilize our members at this moment is not just a practical question, it’s also political. Allegra R writes for Groundwork on why intentional recruitment work matters, and how to make it succeed.

The AOC Question
As people look to fight Trump, many turn to DSA—but even more look to AOC. We could channel that energy, but it will take disciplined organizing and a shift in how we navigate power.

Palestine Won't Decide the 2024 Election, We Need to Build a World Where it Would
As the genocide in Gaza enters its second year and the ongoing war expands to new fronts, Palestine looms large over the presidential election tomorrow.

Workers Deserve to Beat Fascism
In the fight of our lives, socialists shouldn't sit on the sidelines. Let's fight both the Right and the Center, and keep building worker power no matter the outcome.

DSA’s Electoral Horizons
We need to fundamentally reframe how we relate to the world around us. We need to create our own political conditions for mass politics.

One Member One Vote
To engage in militant, mass-scale class struggle, an organization needs radical, mass-scale democracy and buy-in.